Based on feedback from our clients, we introduced the ability for you to have Candidates or Employees complete the survey on-site from your own company computer by utilizing your personalized WOTC sign up link.  


Most often candidates fill out the survey once you enter them into the Candidate tab as outlined here: How to Add a New Candidate

However, there is a candidate direct link that can be used.  This allows the ability for you to have Candidates complete the survey on-site from your own company computer or kiosk device. 

In order for the Candidate Link to work properly, it does need to be activated first. If you have not yet done so, please follow the instructions below:

Log into your Client Portal (Clients.GMGSavings.Com)

Go to the Settings icon and then select  "Company Settings" option.

At the top of the next page where you see Candidate Link URL it will either ask you to complete designation, or if you already did it the full URL will show there.   (Below is a sample of what it would look like once designation is completed).

That URL can be given out to candidates on site for them to fill out during interview process to ensure they complete it before beginning work.